Source code for tornadio2.conn

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# Copyright: (c) 2011 by the Serge S. Koval, see AUTHORS for more details.
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    Tornadio connection implementation.
import time
import logging
from inspect import ismethod, getmembers

from tornadio2 import proto

[docs]def event(name_or_func): """Event handler decorator. Can be used with event name or will automatically use function name if not provided:: # Will handle 'foo' event @event('foo') def bar(self): pass # Will handle 'baz' event @event def baz(self): pass """ if callable(name_or_func): name_or_func._event_name = name_or_func.__name__ return name_or_func def handler(f): f._event_name = name_or_func return f return handler
class EventMagicMeta(type): """Event handler metaclass""" def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): # find events, also in bases is_event = lambda x: ismethod(x) and hasattr(x, '_event_name') events = [(e._event_name, e) for _, e in getmembers(cls, is_event)] setattr(cls, '_events', dict(events)) # Call base super(EventMagicMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class SocketConnection(object): """Subclass this class and define at least `on_message()` method to make a Socket.IO connection handler. To support connection multiplexing, define `_endpoints_` dictionary on class level, where key is endpoint name and value is connection class:: class MyConnection(SocketConnection): __endpoints__ = {'/clock'=ClockConnection, '/game'=GameConnection} ``ClockConnection`` and ``GameConnection`` should derive from the ``SocketConnection`` class as well. ``SocketConnection`` has useful ``event`` decorator. Wrap method with it:: class MyConnection(SocketConnection): @event('test') def test(self, msg): print msg and then, when client will emit 'test' event, you should see 'Hello World' printed:: sock.emit('test', {msg:'Hello World'}); """ __metaclass__ = EventMagicMeta __endpoints__ = dict() def __init__(self, session, endpoint=None): """Connection constructor. `session` Associated session `endpoint` Endpoint name """ self.session = session self.endpoint = endpoint self.is_closed = False self.ack_id = 1 self.ack_queue = dict() self._event_worker = None # Public API
[docs] def on_open(self, request): """Default on_open() handler. Override when you need to do some initialization or request validation. If you return False, connection will be rejected. You can also throw Tornado HTTPError to close connection. `request` ``ConnectionInfo`` object which contains caller IP address, query string parameters and cookies associated with this request. For example:: class MyConnection(SocketConnection): def on_open(self, request): self.user_id = request.get_argument('id', None) if not self.user_id: return False """ pass
[docs] def on_message(self, message): """Default on_message handler. Must be overridden in your application""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def on_event(self, name, args=[], kwargs=dict()): """Default on_event handler. By default, it uses decorator-based approach to handle events, but you can override it to implement custom event handling. `name` Event name `args` Event args `kwargs` Event kwargs There's small magic around event handling. If you send exactly one parameter from the client side and it is dict, then you will receive parameters in dict in `kwargs`. In all other cases you will have `args` list. For example, if you emit event like this on client-side:: sock.emit('test', {msg='Hello World'}) you will have following parameter values in your on_event callback:: name = 'test' args = [] kwargs = {msg: 'Hello World'} However, if you emit event like this:: sock.emit('test', 'a', 'b', {msg='Hello World'}) you will have following parameter values:: name = 'test' args = ['a', 'b', {msg: 'Hello World'}] kwargs = {} """ handler = self._events.get(name) if handler: try: if args: return handler(self, *args) else: return handler(self, **kwargs) except TypeError: if args: logging.error(('Attempted to call event handler %s ' + 'with %s arguments.') % (handler, repr(args))) else: logging.error(('Attempted to call event handler %s ' + 'with %s arguments.') % (handler, repr(kwargs))) raise else: logging.error('Invalid event name: %s' % name)
[docs] def on_close(self): """Default on_close handler.""" pass
[docs] def send(self, message, callback=None, force_json=False): """Send message to the client. `message` Message to send. `callback` Optional callback. If passed, callback will be called when client received sent message and sent acknowledgment back. `force_json` Optional argument. If set to True (and message is a string) then the message type will be JSON (Type 4 in socket_io protocol). This is what you want, when you send already json encoded strings. """ if self.is_closed: return if callback is not None: msg = proto.message(self.endpoint, message, self.queue_ack(callback, message), force_json) else: msg = proto.message(self.endpoint, message, force_json=force_json) self.session.send_message(msg)
[docs] def emit(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """Send event. `name` Name of the event `kwargs` Optional event parameters """ if self.is_closed: return msg = proto.event(self.endpoint, name, None, *args, **kwargs) self.session.send_message(msg)
[docs] def emit_ack(self, callback, name, *args, **kwargs): """Send event with acknowledgment. `callback` Acknowledgment callback `name` Name of the event `kwargs` Optional event parameters """ if self.is_closed: return msg = proto.event(self.endpoint, name, self.queue_ack(callback, (name, args, kwargs)), *args, **kwargs) self.session.send_message(msg)
[docs] def close(self): """Forcibly close client connection""" self.session.close(self.endpoint)
# TODO: Notify about unconfirmed messages? # ACKS def queue_ack(self, callback, message): """Queue acknowledgment callback""" ack_id = self.ack_id self.ack_queue[ack_id] = (time.time(), callback, message) self.ack_id += 1 return ack_id
[docs] def deque_ack(self, msg_id, ack_data): """Dequeue acknowledgment callback""" if msg_id in self.ack_queue: time_stamp, callback, message = self.ack_queue.pop(msg_id) callback(message, ack_data) else: logging.error('Received invalid msg_id for ACK: %s' % msg_id)
# Endpoint factory
[docs] def get_endpoint(self, endpoint): """Get connection class by endpoint name. By default, will get endpoint from associated list of endpoints (from __endpoints__ class level variable). You can override this method to implement different endpoint connection class creation logic. """ if endpoint in self.__endpoints__: return self.__endpoints__[endpoint]