Generator-based asynchronous interfaceΒΆ

tornadio2.gen module is a wrapper around tornado.gen API. You might want to take a look at Tornado documentation for this module, which can be found here.

While you can use tornado.gen API without any problems, sometimes you may want to handle your messages in order they were received. If you will decorate your functions with tornado.gen.engine, your code will work asynchronously - second message might get handled before first message got processed.

To prevent this situation, TornadIO2 provides helpful decorator: tornadio2.gen.sync_engine. sync_engine will queue incoming calls if there’s another instance of the function running. As a result, it will call your method synchronously without blocking the io_loop. This decorator only works with class methods, don’t try to use it for functions - it requires self to properly function.

Lets check following example:

from tornadio2 import gen

class MyConnection(SocketConnection):
    def on_message(self, query):
        http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
        response = yield gen.Task(http_client.fetch, '' + query)

If client will quickly send two messages, it will work “synchronously” - on_message won’t be called for second message till handling of first message is finished.

However, if you will change decorator to gen.engine, message handling will be asynchronous and might be out of order:

from tornadio2 import gen

class MyConnection(SocketConnection):
    def on_message(self, query):
        http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
        response = yield gen.Task(http_client.fetch, '' + query)

If client will quickly send two messages, server will send response as soon as response is ready and if it takes longer to handle first message, response for second message will be sent first.

As a nice feature, you can also decorate your event handlers or even wrap main on_event method, so all events can be synchronous when using asynchronous calls.

tornadio2.gen API will only work with the yield based methods (methods that produce generators). If you implement your asynchronous code using explicit callbacks, it is up for you how to synchronize their execution order.

TBD: performance considerations, python iterator performance.