
TornadIO2 supports unicode for all transports. When you send something, it will be automatically converted to the unicode (assuming that it is not unicode already).

Few rules:

  1. send has following logic in place:

    • If message is object or dictionary, it will be json encoded into unicode string
    • If message is unicode, it will be sent as is
    • If message is non-unicode, not an object and not a dictionary, it will be converted to string and converted to unicode using utf-8 encoding. If your string is in some other encoding (multi-byte, etc), it is up for you to handle encoding and pass your data in unicode (or utf-8 encoded).
  2. emit has similar logic:

    • It will convert event name into unicode string (if it is not). It is expected that event name will only use latin characters
    • All emit arguments will be json encoded into unicode string

3. All incoming messages will be automatically converted to unicode strings. You can expect to receive unicode strings in your message handler and events.