Source code for tornadio2.sessioncontainer

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    Simple heapq-based session implementation with sliding expiration window

from heapq import heappush, heappop
from time import time
from hashlib import md5
from random import random

def _random_key():
    """Return random session key"""
    i = md5()
    i.update('%s%s' % (random(), time()))
    return i.hexdigest()

[docs]class SessionBase(object): """Represents one session object stored in the session container. Derive from this object to store additional data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, session_id=None, expiry=None): """Constructor. ``session_id`` Optional session id. If not provided, will generate new session id. ``expiry`` Expiration time. If not provided, will never expire. """ self.session_id = session_id or _random_key() self.promoted = None self.expiry = expiry if self.expiry is not None: self.expiry_date = time() + self.expiry
[docs] def is_alive(self): """Check if session is still alive""" return self.expiry_date > time()
[docs] def promote(self): """Mark object as alive, so it won't be collected during next run of the garbage collector. """ if self.expiry is not None: self.promoted = time() + self.expiry
[docs] def on_delete(self, forced): """Triggered when object was expired or deleted.""" pass
def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.expiry_date, other.expiry_date) def __repr__(self): return '%f %s %d' % (getattr(self, 'expiry_date', -1), self.session_id, self.promoted or 0)
[docs]class SessionContainer(object): def __init__(self): self._items = dict() self._queue = []
[docs] def add(self, session): """Add session to the container. `session` Session object """ self._items[session.session_id] = session if session.expiry is not None: heappush(self._queue, session)
[docs] def get(self, session_id): """Return session object or None if it is not available `session_id` Session identifier """ return self._items.get(session_id, None)
[docs] def remove(self, session_id): """Remove session object from the container `session_id` Session identifier """ session = self._items.get(session_id, None) if session is not None: session.promoted = -1 session.on_delete(True) del self._items[session_id] return True return False
[docs] def expire(self, current_time=None): """Expire any old entries `current_time` Optional time to be used to clean up queue (can be used in unit tests) """ if not self._queue: return if current_time is None: current_time = time() while self._queue: # Top most item is not expired yet top = self._queue[0] # Early exit if item was not promoted and its expiration time # is greater than now. if top.promoted is None and top.expiry_date > current_time: break # Pop item from the stack top = heappop(self._queue) need_reschedule = (top.promoted is not None and top.promoted > current_time) # Give chance to reschedule if not need_reschedule: top.promoted = None top.on_delete(False) need_reschedule = (top.promoted is not None and top.promoted > current_time) # If item is promoted and expiration time somewhere in future # just reschedule it if need_reschedule: top.expiry_date = top.promoted top.promoted = None heappush(self._queue, top) else: del self._items[top.session_id]